Friday 10 June 2016



Mark 14:36, “And he said ,Abba Father,all things are possible unto thee;take away this cup from me;nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.”

Dear reader JESUS  here admits that the going was very tough and HE needed to be tough HIMSELF. Because of that, HE said to GOD “let thy will be done.” It is no sin or problem to be afraid of life situations and happenings because JESUS at a point felt same, but the difference is what we do in such cases.

 Trust me one of the ways to overcome your fear is to live in the will of GOD, ask me why? This is because in the will of GOD you are bound to come out victorious no matter how enormous your fears may be, it is like you are locked up in the prisons of success with one small window of joy where you can see the goodness and glory of the father.

Only pray continuously for strength like JESUS did and you will surely save yourself and generations just like the saviour. the bible says HE prayed until HIS sweat became blood. I don't know how science will prove that, but that was some prayers CHRIST lifted up just for our sake.

When you overcome your fears you don’t only help yourself but you help your generation and the generations to come. CHRIST overcame HIS fears some 2000 years ago and now here we are, full beneficiaries of HIS victory.

overcome that fear of failure because you think your strength will let you down. just so you know in our weakness HIS strength is made perfect. .

Before I end, please note that whatever you fear in life will always happen to you. If you doubt me scan through your life.  It’s an experiment

1 comment:

Unknown said...

God bless u daddy