Friday 28 October 2016



Today I sat down and thought through how it feels to be GOD.  I found out my knowledge about how big HIS heart is, is equal to my imagination because I can only imagine the size of HIS heart. I agree HE created us in HIS own image and likeness but at times I still ask myself if I lack something. We also have a heart and this heart is subjected to a lot of tear and wear day in and day out, and sometimes the feeling is so gross you don’t want to own a heart again. So I ask, does GOD really have a heart?

 If yes does HE also feel what we sometimes feel or does HE ever go through emotional trauma? If that also answers yes then I‘ll ask again, HOW BIG IS THE HEART OF GOD.  We sin like our lives depend on sin, we live anyhow like fatherless children, we talk anyhow like there is no GOD listening.

We throw HIS love back at HIM and tell HIM point blank how HE has wasted resources. We tell HIM it was foolish on HIS part to give us HIS most treasured TREASURE. We spit in and on HIS face and tell HIM to walk away.

Again, how lame can a man be and not utter a word when HE is being bruised knowing HE had the authority to stop it, how stupid can you be to see your enemy full of anger and rage and yet hand him your life on a silver platter. How insane it is to still ask for forgiveness for an one who will beat you into deformation and even unto death.

YOU do all this in the name of love and later YOU realize the flower(love) YOU gave as  a token was thrown back at you in the face saying to you your love is not enough.

What amazes me is the fact that you still have the heart and gust to say you love mankind. GOD please answer me, how big is your heart. You contain all my stupidity and foolishness, my disobedience and stubbornness, you are always heartbroken yet never cease to love us the more. What kind of GOD are you.

Now my final question to YOU GOD, and please answer  me” HOW BIG CAN MY HEART BE”

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