Friday, 28 July 2017




 Paint me black and I will bask  as white as snow in the sun

 Crush me into stones and I will form an integral part of the strength in your build up.

 Kill me here and my arms will be widely opened over there to embrace you.

Shatter my dreams and aspirations and you will find success knocking at my door for entry.

 Burry me under the soil and I will sprout out with many branches and fruit.

Hide me in the dark in the night and the sun will give me up during the day.

Throw me into the deepest part of the sea and I will hold meetings with the most high in the stomach of a fish.  

Kill me a billion times and I will rise up a billion times. The seed GOD planted in me was an indestructible one.

 I never deteriorate, I never go extinct, no amount of energy can destroy me.

I am unimaginably indestructible; the seed in me is the seed of the most high GOD.

So devil let me save you the burden of labour. Spend your time seeking for repentance and salvation than seeking for my failure and shame.

Indeed you rested not until you have destroyed. So then congratulation on your vain labour because I am made of an indestructible seed and that is the seed of GOD in me. 

I am who GOD says I am and not what you would want me to be.

                                                                                                                                          Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                                                            GODS’ Seed.

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