Friday, 10 June 2016



When JESUS CHRIST had finished teaching the people in Luke chapter 5:3-4, the bible says HE said to Simon “put out into deep and let down your nets for a catch”. Simon replied telling him about the hard labor they have put themselves through, HE said; we have worked hard all night long and caught nothing.  And in actual fact that was the truth, because Simon had proof of what HE was saying.

Here comes this man called JESUS and instructs Simon to put out into the deep for a catch.

I think HE was tired and had the right to forgo the directive JESUS gave him because HE had worked all night long, nonetheless HE said at your word I will work again. He obeyed the word of the Messiah and launched into the deep with his net.

Bible recorded that the catch was so plentiful to the extent that the net wanted to tear and their boat alone couldn’t hold it so they called for help and later both boats began to sink because they couldn’t hold the weight of the catch.

The provocation of this bumper harvest was obedience to the released word of GOD. It is not easy to be an obedient person, had it being so ADAM and EVE wouldn’t have fallen, because the instruction given them was just simple; “do not eat the fruit of life and death”.

At times the released word of GOD concerning our life may look like a punishment or better still may seem nonsensical just like in the case of Simon but dearly beloved just obey, because trust and obey for there is no other way to be happy in JESUS but to trust and obey these are the words of the song writer john H. Sammis.

The little but great act of obedience of Simon propelled Him into a plenteous harvest. Brethren in the LORD it’s not about how much you have labored as Simon said but it is about what word you have received from GOD and your readiness to obey and act on the word.
Obedience is always weightier than sacrifice.
