Thursday, 16 March 2017


                                                      HEART ECONOMY

Economics in simple terms is stability. Today our mortuary houses a lot of individuals because their hearts failed to regulate the inflow and outflow of blood from the heart technically known as the blood pressure.

Psychiatric hospitals are no different from these heart issues. Males and females alike with promising futures end up in cages for fear misbehaving in public.

Well this is not a medical class so we ll leave that to the doctors and medical practitioners.
Scripture in “Proverbs 4: 23 says, Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it cometh the issues of life. Delving deeper into the text the word keep here in the Hebrew is nastar, which means to guard, in a good sense (protect, maintain, and obey).

A guard protects life by regulation, that is to say he/she permits and desist people from seeing his/her master in order to protect the life of his/her master.
These practices by the security guard are geared towards stability with reference to the life of his/her master.

The bible clearly instructs us in this verse to do same to our hearts. As guards we are responsible for whatever and whoever enters our heart. Be it anger, love, hatred, bitterness, boys, girls, money, and anything at all our mind can conceive.

Create stability in your life by taking hold of the locks to your heart. Open up to who and what will make the heart glad. Purposely close your heart to anything that will destroy it.

You may ask how can this be done?

The blueprint to living a peaceful life has being embedded in our hearts according to Hebrews 10:16. Just like how an ATM machine works, Put an invalid card in the slot and the machine will spit it out. This is because per its operations such cards have no place there.

Therefore anything that tries to enter your heart without conforming to the blueprint as stated in Heb 10:16, needs to be shown the exit door.

Know how to guard, secure and protect your heart and you are assured of good, spiritual and physical health.

No guy or lady has the right to enter your heart, even GOD asks for permission to do so. You are in charge of your life on earth, but it will be wise on your side to invite GOD to pick up that role for you.

Thank you and have a nice day.

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