Thursday, 15 December 2016



I want to stand in the middle of the city and scream there is no GOD, I want to prove to men that the GOD they hail and claim to serve is just a false GOD because I cried out to him when my mother was lying on her sick bed at the point of death, and all I kept hearing was GOD is in control. I bet HE was since my mother finally died.

I want to drink alcohol and womanize all I want on earth and enjoy life. My worse feared enemy then, would be STDs, but who cares about STDs when there is protection.
I just want to add a few zeros to that cheque and later slip the money into my account after all its just once and won’t do it again.

I want to dress like that holy church girl to please the pastor. I actually want to live like a Christian so she knows I also know GOD and later show her how things are done in my world.

I will give that fat offerings in church and do the work of a philanthropist to cover up for my evil deeds and ways of making money.

I am the pastor and the one to be catered for. I ll take  all the tithe and offerings and later say some words of prayer for the poor ones in the church and also tell them to trust and hope in GOD. You are the shepherd and not the sheep.

You dare stand to accuse the existence of GOD after contracting the fetish priest to use your mother for money rituals.

You think condoms and contraceptives gives you a license to mess around, I think you should talk to persons with these STDs, I believe you can learn a thing or two.

A journey of a 1000miles only begins with a step, you might end up being the best bank robber after your first bank robbery.

Young woman wearing good clothes is for your good and never to please your pastor, you only save yourself from men lusting after you which can even result in rape; and young man becoming a church goer to woo a lady is like an advance payment on your doom - you become the devil's number one target because there is a possibility of you receiving your salvation since you are in church, and this makes you number one on the devil’s hit list.

Rich man and Mr. Philanthropist; men may only see with their eyes but GOD sees all that is hidden. Kindly stop the corruption and the act of cheating because GOD sees all you do.

The master shepherd said HE came to serve and not to be served. HE said to Peter, "feed my sheep." GOD will cause people to bless you so stop being greedy and treating ministry like your ventures.

These little things we do and think about are never hidden from GOD. I call them “pranks”. 

GOD is not and can never be pranked. "God is not mocked..." JESUS is indeed coming back for HIS own. Stay true to HIS given word and you will never regret it.

 I choose not to prank GOD but to give HIM my all and I advise you to do same.
Thank you.

Wednesday, 30 November 2016


                                                            THE BLIND DRIVER

I sat with my boss in the office as she lectured me on being careful in life. She told me a real life experience she once had as a student, and I could only bless GOD for her life. She schooled in the northern part of Ghana in the University of Development Studies.

On one of her numerous trips to school she took a night bus which developed an electrical fault and caused the lighting system of the bus to totally go off; the head lights and all other lights on the bus just went off. Surprisingly, the engine was still running and the bus could still move.

The road to the north is such that you could drive for hours without seeing villages, towns, or cities. Look through your wind screen or window and the only thing you’d see was thick forests or wide plains, staring back at you.

So there they were in the middle of the road left to nothing but their fate. You would ask; why didn’t they call for help with their mobile phones. Yes, I also asked same, and she said there were places along the road where mobile network was just not accessible, and this was one of such places.

“What did you do then?” Was my next question. She then spoke about the blind driver.

The driver had no choice but to drive the people to a safer place where they could call for help. His only source of light then was that of on-coming cars. Without an on-coming car, the driver was totally blind behind the steer and could only rely on the experience of his frequent use of the road. The Light from on –coming cars additionally gave him an idea of where he was and what to do next.

This blind driver drove on slowly and slowly with his imagination of the road through the thick forests and plains until they reached a nearby village where they could call for help. At that point, I happily slapped my hands together clapping for the blind driver, because of a job well done.

Where am I going with this?

 At points in our lives, just like the bus; our lights go off. There are times we see that things are not going as they should. We bear witness to ourselves that we are putting in all the effort needed but things are just not working.  we cross check sometimes to see where we went wrong, only to realise that we are actually at our best, yet we are just not moving.

 Let me tell you this, if this is your situation; cast your mind back to the broad day light of your life where you leaped over stones, where you knew how to cross roads without getting knocked down by a car, cast your mind back to how you always trusted GOD to take you through all the mishaps you’ve faced in life.

 Now, relax and give a deep thought to these things, what you are facing now is no different from what you have been through earlier in life, yes it seems like GOD is silent on this particular issue, it is true; this is because HE is quietly and slowly driving you to a much safer place where HE can actually bring helpers to your aid.

Trusts in the LORD, believe HIS word for your life and you will forever love HIM.


Tuesday, 15 November 2016


A ship at the harbour

So it happens that the famous logos hope ship(a ship full of Christian and other literature)
 found herself on the shores of Ghana again, giving Ghanaians an opportunity to benefit from her good work. I was so privileged and graced to have been among the few Ghanaians who witnessed this historic event.

It was quite interesting how people were happily jumping around, taking selfies, and all that.  I just stood at a place with the ship in sight thinking through how this dream became a reality for someone. Also as a young engineer I was thinking about the loads of work involved in fulfilling such a dream.  A friend came closer and looking at how amazed I was he said to me, there are bigger ones than this and I nodded at him affirming his point.

Again, I laughed and gave a faint smile after realizing that this huge vessel is controlled by an individual called captain, who happens to be a man. It was just funny to accept the fact  that this huge vessel which is 1000 times bigger than man is being controlled by tiny man.
This took me back to the book of genesis where GOD instructed man to take dominion of everything HE created. Gen 1:26 ( And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth).

The level and kind of dominion GOD bestowed on us as mankind was and still is one of a kind. If   tiny little men called captains can control vessels as huge as the size of logos hope, then men are yet to discover the extent to which their dominion ends.

No wonder with faith like mustard seed we would move mountains.

What am I trying to say? 

Your issue maybe as big as the logos hope ship or better still like the famous titanic ship, the size of the ship is not the problem but the captain to champion its course. Until the captain puts on the engine to set sail for people to admire the ship, its magnificence is only known  to itself.

 Command your day, exhibit your dominance as man, there is nothing bigger than you, it doesn’t matter the size of the ship , as a captain if you stop the engine the ship will quietly obey, if you start it again it will gladly respond to your will. 

Think about this and praise GOD for your life.

Friday, 28 October 2016



Today I sat down and thought through how it feels to be GOD.  I found out my knowledge about how big HIS heart is, is equal to my imagination because I can only imagine the size of HIS heart. I agree HE created us in HIS own image and likeness but at times I still ask myself if I lack something. We also have a heart and this heart is subjected to a lot of tear and wear day in and day out, and sometimes the feeling is so gross you don’t want to own a heart again. So I ask, does GOD really have a heart?

 If yes does HE also feel what we sometimes feel or does HE ever go through emotional trauma? If that also answers yes then I‘ll ask again, HOW BIG IS THE HEART OF GOD.  We sin like our lives depend on sin, we live anyhow like fatherless children, we talk anyhow like there is no GOD listening.

We throw HIS love back at HIM and tell HIM point blank how HE has wasted resources. We tell HIM it was foolish on HIS part to give us HIS most treasured TREASURE. We spit in and on HIS face and tell HIM to walk away.

Again, how lame can a man be and not utter a word when HE is being bruised knowing HE had the authority to stop it, how stupid can you be to see your enemy full of anger and rage and yet hand him your life on a silver platter. How insane it is to still ask for forgiveness for an one who will beat you into deformation and even unto death.

YOU do all this in the name of love and later YOU realize the flower(love) YOU gave as  a token was thrown back at you in the face saying to you your love is not enough.

What amazes me is the fact that you still have the heart and gust to say you love mankind. GOD please answer me, how big is your heart. You contain all my stupidity and foolishness, my disobedience and stubbornness, you are always heartbroken yet never cease to love us the more. What kind of GOD are you.

Now my final question to YOU GOD, and please answer  me” HOW BIG CAN MY HEART BE”

Wednesday, 26 October 2016


                                      JESUS AT THE NIGHT CLUB

Just like how we do it any other Friday night, there was this time we were really fired up to have the craziest fun ever. The scenes of this day still plays back in memory like it owns the largest estate in my mind.

Friday nights in college were the best nights, and this was because we finally got to do away with the boring lectures and annoying lecturers to catch some fun. We rushed to the room after our last lecture to begin our fun night. It started with picking up clothes and sneakers that would make you the heartbeat of the fun throughout the night because the girls will be checking you out like you are their duty, and the feeling of that alone was a blast.

I strapped up with my friends and hit the road at 9 pm for the club. At half past 9 we were already in the queue for checks into the club. We entered and the place was just crazy. Alcohol everywhere, naked girls all over and the sound was so loud mummy couldn’t call because she would be very disappointed.

I really wanted to have the fun of my life and I didn’t even care if I died in there, because I thought that was the real deal nothing more nothing less. I mean what else could life offer you if not the fun.
I took the alcohols, smooched around with some girls, and danced my head off like no one’s business. I tried all the crazy stuff you can think off in the club, yet I wanted something more. Something was definitely missing in the club. My quest and thirst to have a fulfilled fun was never met in the club.
Was so drunk I felt asleep in the club, and had the dream of my life.

 I saw this young man come to me and smile at me like HE is my dad. HE gave me a gaze and said “you will never be fulfilled in this”. We then passed through the VIP section thinking HE was going to introduce me into some much crazy stuff only to realize we had actually gone out of the club.

HE showed me a family who had just finished praying, and HE asked,” What do you see”? I saw smiles, peace, and joy in their lives. They looked so cool and happy without the alcohol, drugs, and the ladies and I was just wowed. Straight away I asked what club was that and HE smiled again and answered; that is the club of fulfillment.

My friend tapped me from my seat in the club to wake up because it was time to leave. As soon as I woke up, I told him JESUS came to the club today. HE laughed his heart out at my dismay and said there was no way JESUS could come here.

Being fulfilled is simply being you and enjoying you. The good book says in HIM we live, move and have our being (paraphrased) acts 17: 28. The only fulfillment you can have as a living entity is hidden in CHRIST JESUS and that is all about it.
Thank you.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016


                                                     RELATIONSHIP PILLS

I met a friend some weeks back who gave me a lot of reasons to share this information with the public. After exchanging pleasantries I realized he was not wearing his usual smile and he looked very worried and tensed. So I quickly enquired from him the reason for his moodiness.

He started a whole series of complains and disappointments about his relationship, and how it was destroying him. After a long chat of encouragement I came back home and tried analyzing the issue critically.

I found out that from the scratch my friend had missed the foundations of a Christian relationship. Now, let’s understand the whole concept about a Christian relationship. A Christian relationship is like a simple circle. 


A circle has lots of components, but the most important of them all is a center of the circle  and the  radius with which the circumference of the circle is drawn.

Again the beauty of a circle depends highly on the correlation between the center and the radius.  To obtain an absolute or a beautiful circle, the pointed end of the compass is firmly placed at the center whereas the other end is moved to draw the circumference to obtain the circle. The distance then from the pointed end to where the circumference is drawn is the radius of the circle.
The radius cant be the center, and in  like manner, the center cant be the radius. GOD is the center and we are the radii.

From the diagram of the circle above, we can see that,one point of the radius is in the center and the other touching the circumference.  As an individual (radius) in a relationship, you  have to be deeply rooted in GOD and depend on HIM to help you with drawing the circumference. if your grounds is shaky at the center,know that your circumference will also be shaky. It is that simple.
A strong hold on GOD who is the center of the relationship (circle) will surely result in a nice and wonderful circle (relationship).

These things are not facts but the sincere truth, and until we get them right , the ladies or the guys will keep breaking our hearts into pieces.

Most people tend to change the roles and make GOD the radius and themselves the center, making the equation imbalance. Its like asking a 2 year old child to carry either his/her mother. From our conversation he only went to GOD when things went wrong instead of GOD stepping in when things are wrong because HE is the center and controller of the relationship.  Interesting, right!!! . If his/ her life is centered on you, know that there is trouble ahead. Aim at being his/her radius and you can be assured of a wonderful and happily ever after relationship.

  So dear reader, play your role as a radius and let GOD play HIS role as the center.
Thank you.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016


                                                      IT IS PURE  INSANITY
It’s not only insane but also hard to understand that as Christians some of our actions seem meaningless to the world per what we want to achieve in life, and the study and the practice of the word of GOD makes it so.
For instance, the normal is to work hard to gather and store up money in my accounts before I see the last zeros of my bank account chasing each other for a gold medal, but understanding the policies and practice of the word will tell you to scatter instead of gather to fulfill the same purpose.

Battles I know are won by gallant men who are fit and well prepared for the war. By being fit I mean these are people who eat well and train well to gain all the needed strength for the battle. Again we see JESUS tell HIS disciples in Matt 17:21 kjv”howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting”. Fasting alone drains you of your needed strength  daily activities and not to talk of the energy for praying.

This may be hard to believe but I have come to learn in my walk with CHRIST, that when you pray for other peoples need your need is also answered. I don’t get why I have to pray for other peoples need in order to get my need met or answered whiles we all need or want that particular thing.  Its like going to a shop to buy a book, and instead of me buying the book for myself  I buy it for another person hoping I will receive mine through that act, I mean this is not logical.

Thinking through all these experiences I realized its totally insane. But guess what ?i love being insane and I think you should too.

We scatter in order to gather as sons of GOD because  the good book says in Luke 6:38, give and it shall be given unto you: good measure, pressed down, and shaken together and running over, shall men give unto your bosom(paraphrased). This is the reality, at the beach you can scoop some amount of sand with your own hands but if you let that out for someone else to fill your hands with the sand, the person is able to fill it till the sand overflows in your hand.

Also you need all your strength at battle grounds as stated earlier, but when you deny yourself of food you suppress the flesh which is in battle with your spirit according to Galatians 5:17, and in so doing your spirit rises above the situation to embrace the victory we already have in CHRIST JESUS.

Again to kneel on the battle grounds is a sign of weakness and surrender, but it is amazing how HE begins when we end. The good book says HIS strength is made perfect in our weakness(2 cor 12:9).so when you surrender  it is victory in disguise because the conquering conqueror  comes into the picture. And when HE is in the picture sounds of battles cease for trumpet of victories to be blown.

I love being crazy to the world per my actions as a Christian. 
Just as I always say “if loving GOD means being crazy then I wish I never had a head to even contain my brains”.  
Thank you.

Enjoy,share, and comment.

Friday, 5 August 2016



In (Luke 1:30-36), the angel of the LORD (Gabriel) visit Mary and tell her about her unborn son JESUS, and all that HE will accomplish on earth. She replied by telling him it is humanly impossible. The angel then said , the HOLY GHOST shall come upon thee, and not only that but also the power of the most high shall over shadow thee. For those of us who are wondering how Mary got pregnant without a man, this was how Mary got pregnant; “The HOLY SPIRIT came over her and the power of GOD overshadowed her”, as simple as that.

 Let’s note that when the HOLY SPIRIT is upon you and the power of GOD overshadows you, there is a high possibility of conception. If it wasn’t so Mary wouldn’t have conceived. Again you don’t just conceive a child, but you conceive JESUS.

The difference is that a conceived child is a child but a conceived JESUS is a saviour, a solution, a redeemer,peace,joy,victory, a lot to mention but a few.

 As humans we don’t only conceive babies, we also conceive ideas. We are young men and women who are seeking to affect changes in our world and make the world a better place to be. To do this, we need life changing and transforming ideas.

If a conceived JESUS CHRIST was a failure to the world then my claims are false, but if HE wasn’t, then an idea conceived by the HOLY SPIRIT will surely succeed and transform lives.

To conceive of such ideas we have to give ourselves the chance for the HOLY SPIRIT to come upon us and the power of GOD to overshadow us.

We as humans are mothers to such ideas and GOD becomes the father of such ideas. Now tell me, what percentage of fathers in the world has planned for the failure of their wards? Every parent always looks out for the best to occur to his/her ward.If GOD is the father of such ideas know that HE wishes them to succeed and HE will take care of them until they become successful.

In as much as GOD is the father of such ideas, you as the conceiver have a role to play. A child grows to become a good child when the roles of father and mother are rightly played in their lives.
Pray for the HOLY SPIRIT to come upon you and ask for the power of GOD to overshadow you which is your conception period and you will surely conceive a world saving idea.

Thank you.

Read, enjoy, like, comment and share thanks a lot and GOD bless you.

Monday, 18 July 2016



Sometimes I wish we had an eraser button fixed in our brains so we could just click on it to erase memories we do not want to keep, but that is not the case.
Today I was listening to a preacher who was trying to encourage his congregation. He said, “Forget about the bad situations, and forget about the awful things people have said about you and move on in life.” and I was like how do I forget? Because, if am holding coals of fire in my hand it is difficult not to feel the pains in my palm, unless you are a special human mutant like we see in the movie x-men and the like.
The human brain is so powerful I kind of wonder how GOD formed it out of clay.  
Scientist have tried to explain how painful experiences transform into long lasting memories with a hypothesis known as Hebbian plasticity. This idea states that in the face of painful experiences more neurons in the brain fire electrical impulses in unison which creates a stronger connection with each other; this strong connection creates stronger memories in the brain.
Considering the above explanations on memory storage in the brain, it is not easy to forget about situations and events, but this is what I think.
I think we should look at problems or events that caused us pain from different angles. In the book of mark 4:39 KJV, the bible says “And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, peace be still, and the wind ceased, and there was a great calm”
Here, we see JESUS call a  storm peace and ask it to be still. The disciples were seeing a storm which caused them to be in jeopardy but when JESUS arose HE saw peace and like I said earlier, asked it to be still.
I may not know what you have gone through in life, or the kind of pain you are experiencing right now but take a look at it from a different angle. Look at it from an angle where you can see peace and not the storm.
Ask yourself what would have happen if you had not gone through that painful experience, most at times we need this painful experiences as teachers to help us understand and enjoy the life we have been given by GOD.
At other times, know that you are the best person such an occurrence can happen to, because should it happen to someone else the person may not survive its consequences.
What am I saying? All am saying is, you may not forget totally about the situation or the painful experiences and occurrences, but look at these events from a different angle and appreciate the fact that it happened to you, and pick a clue from the peace side of the storm .
Isaiah 43:18-19 KJV“Do not remember the past events; pay no attention to things of old. Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.”

 Hidden in any storm is peace.


Monday, 4 July 2016


The prayer momentum

Science defines momentum as the quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity. In other words momentum is the product of mass and velocity.
For a moving object to create an impact on another object in its path of motion or movement its momentum should be greater than the objects in its path.

Therefore science has it that, to stay in equilibrium M1V1=M2V2, BUT for object one to have impact on object two as shown below;

Impact =M1VI-M2V2.

 Similar can be said in our prayer lives. The momentum of your prayer determines the impact  your prayer makes
The prayer momentum is also made of the mass and velocity but is represented in different ways.

 Mass refers to the amount of quantity present in an object. In prayer your mass refers to the quantity of the word of GOD in you. Reading your bible daily is not enough but rather studying the bible on daily basis gives you an appreciable mass.
This brings forth the question how much of the word is in you? Are you a light weight, or a heavy weight or a heavier weight or perhaps the heaviest weight? The amount of the word of GOD in you determines the mass aspect of the prayer momentum.

The second component is velocity. Science defines it as distance covered per unit time. The prayer velocity is how best one is able to use the word of GOD to his/her advantage in prayer. You see, running with a load in front of you is quite different from running with a load behind you. In the first instance, one will find it difficult to run but in the second, one will be able to run. So how you carry or use the word of GOD in prayer affects the momentum of your prayer and that is your prayer velocity.

To cause impact with your prayers, you need to increase your prayer momentum. Study the word of GOD and understand it to the fullest and pray back GODS words to HIM, that is to say hold HIM by HIS word and you will experience the true power of prayer.

The bible says in the book of James 5:16, “confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availed much.”

Let every single prayer time in your life count. Thank you and stay blessed.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016


The wing similarities

I bring you greetings from above this day and trust we are doing well by grace.  Today I want to share another amazing and interesting thing I observed about nature. Both a bird and an aeroplane have wings. But it is quite interesting to know how they both put them to use. At take off a bird flaps its wings for up thrust by building up mass of air below its body. This lifts its up from the ground and away it flies.

 Also at take off the wings of an aeroplane are maintained by its side and no flapping work is done yet it accommodates some amount of air beneath by running very fast on the run way  which also help in up thrust of the aeroplane.

In the air, once again the bird can choose to flap its wings to fly higher or stretch them to their lengths to soar. Of course the aeroplane can also go higher by thrusting through the atmosphere but it will never flap its wings.

To have the wings of an aeroplane flapped either on the ground or in the air is a free ticket to the land of tragic and fatal accidents.

Yes, they both have wings and may perform the same function but the processes are different. We may have similar gifting, same teachers at school, we may even have a common goal and other similar things yet you would still have to find yourself ,know what GOD has given you  and what you can do with that.  Does it not surprise you that over the 7 billion people living in the world none of us share finger prints with anyone? NO not even twins or triplets. We are all special in our own way.
Locate your GOD given purpose in life, stand by it, live by it and fulfill it. We may all have wings , but I would have to flap mine to get to my destination yours might just be by the sides of your craft.

Together let’s make the earth a better place to be. Thank you.
read, enjoy, and share

Monday, 20 June 2016


The coffee experience
Good day beloved reader, today I want to share with you a lesson I learnt from taking coffee.

Hoping to meet my deadline for submission of an assignment, I decided to stay awake throughout the night together with some friends. In view of this, we bought ourselves Nescafé to take in the night whiles doing the assignment.

I noticed something wonderful about the coffee which got me thinking. Raw coffee smells so good but taste sour on the tongue. So I asked, how can something that smells so good taste this sour?
This is what I learnt. Let us look at the human head as a community with the nose and the tongue as members in the community.  Unless you are not feeling well, these organs (members) are experts in whatever they do and you can count on their judgement.

In the case of coffee, one says it is good and the other says it’s bad. Now whose judgement would you believe?
I proceeded to adding hot water, sugar and milk to the raw coffee and the tongue gave me a different judgment. The judgement of the two neighbours were now correlating.

 Unlike the nose, the tongue stays in the mouth, the part of the body with which we make confessions (talk),” Rom 10:9 “. So after tasting with the tongue the mouth can proclaim the proposition made by the nose to the whole wide world, so people can embrace it.

The first member (nose) understood that coffee was good, but the second member (tongue) had to wait for the additives to accept the proposition by the first.

Enough of the imagery work now, let’s gets to the root of our lesson

This coffee experience has taught me to add value to myself.  My raw brilliant ideas and solutions may taste sour to the tongue, until I add value to them they will always remain sour.
You can be a woman but if you add virtue to yourself your name becomes a woman of virtue, similarly you can be a man but if you add excellence you are called a man of excellence.
When value is added the mouth will eventually confess to the world, that coffee does not only smell good, it also taste very good.
Thank you.

#the biggest room in the world is the room for improvement.

Friday, 10 June 2016



When JESUS CHRIST had finished teaching the people in Luke chapter 5:3-4, the bible says HE said to Simon “put out into deep and let down your nets for a catch”. Simon replied telling him about the hard labor they have put themselves through, HE said; we have worked hard all night long and caught nothing.  And in actual fact that was the truth, because Simon had proof of what HE was saying.

Here comes this man called JESUS and instructs Simon to put out into the deep for a catch.

I think HE was tired and had the right to forgo the directive JESUS gave him because HE had worked all night long, nonetheless HE said at your word I will work again. He obeyed the word of the Messiah and launched into the deep with his net.

Bible recorded that the catch was so plentiful to the extent that the net wanted to tear and their boat alone couldn’t hold it so they called for help and later both boats began to sink because they couldn’t hold the weight of the catch.

The provocation of this bumper harvest was obedience to the released word of GOD. It is not easy to be an obedient person, had it being so ADAM and EVE wouldn’t have fallen, because the instruction given them was just simple; “do not eat the fruit of life and death”.

At times the released word of GOD concerning our life may look like a punishment or better still may seem nonsensical just like in the case of Simon but dearly beloved just obey, because trust and obey for there is no other way to be happy in JESUS but to trust and obey these are the words of the song writer john H. Sammis.

The little but great act of obedience of Simon propelled Him into a plenteous harvest. Brethren in the LORD it’s not about how much you have labored as Simon said but it is about what word you have received from GOD and your readiness to obey and act on the word.
Obedience is always weightier than sacrifice.




Mark 14:36, “And he said ,Abba Father,all things are possible unto thee;take away this cup from me;nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.”

Dear reader JESUS  here admits that the going was very tough and HE needed to be tough HIMSELF. Because of that, HE said to GOD “let thy will be done.” It is no sin or problem to be afraid of life situations and happenings because JESUS at a point felt same, but the difference is what we do in such cases.

 Trust me one of the ways to overcome your fear is to live in the will of GOD, ask me why? This is because in the will of GOD you are bound to come out victorious no matter how enormous your fears may be, it is like you are locked up in the prisons of success with one small window of joy where you can see the goodness and glory of the father.

Only pray continuously for strength like JESUS did and you will surely save yourself and generations just like the saviour. the bible says HE prayed until HIS sweat became blood. I don't know how science will prove that, but that was some prayers CHRIST lifted up just for our sake.

When you overcome your fears you don’t only help yourself but you help your generation and the generations to come. CHRIST overcame HIS fears some 2000 years ago and now here we are, full beneficiaries of HIS victory.

overcome that fear of failure because you think your strength will let you down. just so you know in our weakness HIS strength is made perfect. .

Before I end, please note that whatever you fear in life will always happen to you. If you doubt me scan through your life.  It’s an experiment

Sunday, 29 May 2016



The book of John chapter 2 gives an account of the first miracle JESUS did in HIS ministry. The bible says in verse 3-4”, and when they wanted wine the mother of JESUS saith unto HIM they have no wine. JESUS answered unto her, “woman” what have I to do with thee? Mine hour is not yet come. Note that HE did not call her” mother” but HE called her woman (womb man), that is for another day.

The answer JESUS gave was definitely not a yes answer. I was wondering why a son would say to the mother WHAT HAVE I TO DO WITH THEE? Knowing perfectly that it was her womb that kept you for the 9 months before birth.
From there she went straight to the servants and said do as HE says. The bible records that JESUS asked them to fill the pots and they filled them to the brim, and HE said draw out now and bear unto the governor of the feast, and that was it, HE had created wine. There are a lot we can pick from this story but let’s focus on HIS mother today.

Even though HIS time was not up but at the word of HIS mother HE built a wine factory. The relationship between Mary and JESUS was that of a son and HIS mother and Mary knew her son. She knew who HE was and what HE is made of.  She had a 100% faith in her son that, though HIS time might not be up but if she tells HIM , HE will surely do whatever she says and that her joy might be full.

It is as though she didn’t care the answer her son gave, because if she did she wouldn’t have gone to the servants to issue instructions. What she did by issuing the instruction “DO AS HE SAYS” was giving her son the platform to operate. She acted on her faith, which gave JESUS the platform to operate in the gathering.
Know your relationship with GOD. Is HE a friend, father or master?  Build one with HIM if you don’t have. Upon knowing your relationship with HIM issue out your instructions; that is act on your faith.

In so doing you fill out your pots with all your troubles and give JESUS the chance to create for you a wine factory which is your solution and joy in life.

Once again know your relationship with GOD, and build one if you don’t have, because trust me! You need it to survive and enjoy life.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016



I am Samuel from Ghana, a country in the West Africa.  I was in my room one time when my lights went out as a result of the power crisis in the country,I  actually was in the middle of an activity and I needed the light so badly.
An interesting thing happened to me and would like to share.  When the lights went out, I was so disappointed because I couldn’t see anything. In about a minute time I realized I could identify things in my room that is my locker, my clothes, books and bags. So I wondered how I could see now and could not see then.
This is how science explains it. The human eye is made up a pupil, retina, cornea, lens, aqueous and vitreous humor, there are other components but for our study lets stick to these. Science has it that images are formed on the retina.
The retina is composed of cones and rods. The cones are sensitive to bright light whereas the rods to dim light. So if I could see in my room when the lights were off because the rods were performing their function.
Now back to my point of GOD creating man. In the midst of darkness GOD inculcated in the creation of the human eye a rod, which can cause the eye to see even in darkness. Once again I think that makes man a solution making machine to life problems. Because even in the absence of light the body automatically find solution to man’s inability to see. If you ask me, I will say this is amazing.
   In the book of Matthew chapter 5:13, GOD calls man the salt of the earth and that if we lose our value we are good for nothing.  The prophet Elisha in 2kings 2:19, demonstrated the importance of salt (man) in solving problems. The people of Jericho complained of their water being unwholesome and reported it to the prophet. He asked for a new cruse containing salt and he walked to the river and cast the salt into the river and the river was made whole. This is scripture telling us how men (salt of the earth) were used in old times to solve problems. If am a salt of the earth as the bible says then I have got be a solution. The bible says as a man thinketh so is He (Proverbs 23:7).I am a solution making machine to the world because GOD created me as such.

Now I ask you, who are you?