Thursday 21 June 2018



Today I decided to visit Noah in the book of Genesis 6. The chapter basically talks about corruption creeping unto the earth and GOD’S strategic plan to eliminate such activities from the earth. Bible says when mankind increased in number daughters were born unto them and the sons of GOD saw them to be beautiful and took any they chose as wives for themselves. Note that one group of people were referred to as sons of men/mankind and another as sons of GOD. These were fallen angels having lustful desires for the daughters of men because they had come or entered into the realm of man.

 Bible says the LORD was grieved and said that HIS spirit will not dwell with man again, because man’s heart was continually corrupt. The word continually here can also suggest that GOD might have given man enough time to repent of his corrupt ways but man never understood the language of change and remained in corruption.

So here was Grandpa Noah, who had found favour in the sight of GOD. For this reason GOD drew near and had a discussion with HIM pertaining to the corrupt nature of man. HE revealed HIS final verdict of destruction unto Noah and gave him the escape plan.

 From verse 14, the LORD issues out HIS plan in detail to Noah, and how he was to go about it.
Where am I going with this narrative,  crises were knocking on man’s door, and the only thing that saved Noah and HIS family was the fact that HE had found favour in the sight of GOD. That is to say GOD had chosen to treat him differently from all his contemporary. (This is where we find ourselves as Christians because we are a called out people, chosen among many).

Again for this same reason GOD reveals HIS thoughts to Noah and decides to save him and his family from the impending destruction, by giving him instructions to be carried out immediately. As a favoured group of people (Christians) GOD reveals the impending dangers in life to us and issues out the escape plan for us.  The big question here is do we hear these instructions and if we do how do we go about it. Because from Noah’s story GOD gave a vivid or detailed plan to be carried out, meaning HE did not give room for confusion or misunderstanding; an excuse we can find for falling into destruction.

To eliminate corruption the solution was destruction, but GOD provided for HIS people amidst this destruction.

Don’t blame it on the silence of GOD, in hard times HE always looks out for HIS people. Like the sheep knowing the voice of their master, get to know HIS voice when HE instructs and like Noah you will be floating on the flood instead of being devoured by the flood.

Thank you.

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Wednesday 20 June 2018



When GOD needed to save billions of people HE did not bring an equal billions of  people but just a one man army, who happens to be our CHRIST. The ratio is 1:1,000,000,000. I mean, this is practically insane.

In Egypt when HE wanted to save HIS people, again HE went for a one man army in the person of Moses, and with him HE snatched HIS people from the pharaohs. This issue about one man army became more evident to me in the book of Esther where GOD uses a lady to once again save HIS people.

 This is the amazing thing. Esther with her uncle who also doubled as her fathers after the demise of her parents were all brought into the province of king Ahasuerus as slaves from war. For one funny reasons the king decides to destool his queen and search for a new one.

Ladies were assembled to battle themselves for the royal crown as queen to the king. Some way somehow the king sees Esther and he begin to walk according to the dictates of GOD, in that GOD needed the situation to save the Jewish community. He madly falls in love with the Jewish slave and makes her a queen in a bit.

From the Jewish community all GOD needed was a lady not evens a man. Esther goes into the palace and the ripple effect begins to unfold. Now Mordechai unknowingly becomes a CID or better still an FBI agent to the king where he leaked an important missile of a message to annul the plans of the enemy towards the king. This act of kindness also lifted Mordechai from being a common slave now also to a royal. Putting aside the impact they brought to the Jewish community as a whole , let’s look at the impact it brought to their family.

All the family needed was for one person not two to be lifted up in social horizons and the ripple effect will bubble down to raise more.  This goes a long way to tell us that in a family you need just one not two people to be well placed, and this person or individual will set the ball rolling for others. Unless the lifting up of the individual is void of GOD, if not know and understand that GOD has also arrived to set up your family.

As Christians lets practice the habit of helping each other, praying for each other and holding each other in place. After all with are a body to a head.

When a brother  or sister starts doing exploits in church, at work, in the home, etc, hatred shouldn’t be your breakfast rather learn to diet on support because the ripple effect just started and your Mordechai elements will surely be met.

The one man army system of GOD has always being a secret strategy, and like in wars communication is in codes. You only get to understand this code when you are part of us, most Christians have side-lined themselves forgetting we serve and work for one GOD therefore making them novices to the good codes of GOD.

The ripple effect always begins from somewhere, just join the right army and wait on your turn.

Thank you.

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I sat behind the television waiting patiently for the blast of the whistle to begin the world cup games. Thoughts of who is winning ,who is getting out at the group stages, the golden ball and golden boot winners created a special euphoria around me.

Then an interesting question popped up in my mind. The various teams have their special talisman who they believe can rescue them in times of trouble. The Brazilians have Neymar, the argentines can count on Messi, Egyptians now choruses the name Mo Salah, and the like.
So I asked “who is my talisman”?

I couldn’t think of anyone better than my Captain JESUSCHRIST. He is more of utility players who fit well in any position you choose to play him.

As a goal keeper, he is my saviour (Matthew 18:11). He is ready to save me any day, and at any time and at any place from the hands of the wicked one. HE came all the way from heaven just to save me from the sharp teeth of death through sin.

As a defender HE forms a formidable hedge around me (job 1:10). Defending me against false accusations, and the fiery dart of the evil one.

As a midfielder, HE was, is and will always be the only way to the FATHER (john 14:6), the link between my humanity and HIS divinity.

As the striker HE promises to never fail me and also to take me to an expected end (Jeremiah 29:11), winning me the trophies of salvation and prosperity in the LORD.

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