Tuesday 28 June 2016


The wing similarities

I bring you greetings from above this day and trust we are doing well by grace.  Today I want to share another amazing and interesting thing I observed about nature. Both a bird and an aeroplane have wings. But it is quite interesting to know how they both put them to use. At take off a bird flaps its wings for up thrust by building up mass of air below its body. This lifts its up from the ground and away it flies.

 Also at take off the wings of an aeroplane are maintained by its side and no flapping work is done yet it accommodates some amount of air beneath by running very fast on the run way  which also help in up thrust of the aeroplane.

In the air, once again the bird can choose to flap its wings to fly higher or stretch them to their lengths to soar. Of course the aeroplane can also go higher by thrusting through the atmosphere but it will never flap its wings.

To have the wings of an aeroplane flapped either on the ground or in the air is a free ticket to the land of tragic and fatal accidents.

Yes, they both have wings and may perform the same function but the processes are different. We may have similar gifting, same teachers at school, we may even have a common goal and other similar things yet you would still have to find yourself ,know what GOD has given you  and what you can do with that.  Does it not surprise you that over the 7 billion people living in the world none of us share finger prints with anyone? NO not even twins or triplets. We are all special in our own way.
Locate your GOD given purpose in life, stand by it, live by it and fulfill it. We may all have wings , but I would have to flap mine to get to my destination yours might just be by the sides of your craft.

Together let’s make the earth a better place to be. Thank you.
read, enjoy, and share

Monday 20 June 2016


The coffee experience
Good day beloved reader, today I want to share with you a lesson I learnt from taking coffee.

Hoping to meet my deadline for submission of an assignment, I decided to stay awake throughout the night together with some friends. In view of this, we bought ourselves Nescafé to take in the night whiles doing the assignment.

I noticed something wonderful about the coffee which got me thinking. Raw coffee smells so good but taste sour on the tongue. So I asked, how can something that smells so good taste this sour?
This is what I learnt. Let us look at the human head as a community with the nose and the tongue as members in the community.  Unless you are not feeling well, these organs (members) are experts in whatever they do and you can count on their judgement.

In the case of coffee, one says it is good and the other says it’s bad. Now whose judgement would you believe?
I proceeded to adding hot water, sugar and milk to the raw coffee and the tongue gave me a different judgment. The judgement of the two neighbours were now correlating.

 Unlike the nose, the tongue stays in the mouth, the part of the body with which we make confessions (talk),” Rom 10:9 “. So after tasting with the tongue the mouth can proclaim the proposition made by the nose to the whole wide world, so people can embrace it.

The first member (nose) understood that coffee was good, but the second member (tongue) had to wait for the additives to accept the proposition by the first.

Enough of the imagery work now, let’s gets to the root of our lesson

This coffee experience has taught me to add value to myself.  My raw brilliant ideas and solutions may taste sour to the tongue, until I add value to them they will always remain sour.
You can be a woman but if you add virtue to yourself your name becomes a woman of virtue, similarly you can be a man but if you add excellence you are called a man of excellence.
When value is added the mouth will eventually confess to the world, that coffee does not only smell good, it also taste very good.
Thank you.

#the biggest room in the world is the room for improvement.

Friday 10 June 2016



When JESUS CHRIST had finished teaching the people in Luke chapter 5:3-4, the bible says HE said to Simon “put out into deep and let down your nets for a catch”. Simon replied telling him about the hard labor they have put themselves through, HE said; we have worked hard all night long and caught nothing.  And in actual fact that was the truth, because Simon had proof of what HE was saying.

Here comes this man called JESUS and instructs Simon to put out into the deep for a catch.

I think HE was tired and had the right to forgo the directive JESUS gave him because HE had worked all night long, nonetheless HE said at your word I will work again. He obeyed the word of the Messiah and launched into the deep with his net.

Bible recorded that the catch was so plentiful to the extent that the net wanted to tear and their boat alone couldn’t hold it so they called for help and later both boats began to sink because they couldn’t hold the weight of the catch.

The provocation of this bumper harvest was obedience to the released word of GOD. It is not easy to be an obedient person, had it being so ADAM and EVE wouldn’t have fallen, because the instruction given them was just simple; “do not eat the fruit of life and death”.

At times the released word of GOD concerning our life may look like a punishment or better still may seem nonsensical just like in the case of Simon but dearly beloved just obey, because trust and obey for there is no other way to be happy in JESUS but to trust and obey these are the words of the song writer john H. Sammis.

The little but great act of obedience of Simon propelled Him into a plenteous harvest. Brethren in the LORD it’s not about how much you have labored as Simon said but it is about what word you have received from GOD and your readiness to obey and act on the word.
Obedience is always weightier than sacrifice.




Mark 14:36, “And he said ,Abba Father,all things are possible unto thee;take away this cup from me;nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.”

Dear reader JESUS  here admits that the going was very tough and HE needed to be tough HIMSELF. Because of that, HE said to GOD “let thy will be done.” It is no sin or problem to be afraid of life situations and happenings because JESUS at a point felt same, but the difference is what we do in such cases.

 Trust me one of the ways to overcome your fear is to live in the will of GOD, ask me why? This is because in the will of GOD you are bound to come out victorious no matter how enormous your fears may be, it is like you are locked up in the prisons of success with one small window of joy where you can see the goodness and glory of the father.

Only pray continuously for strength like JESUS did and you will surely save yourself and generations just like the saviour. the bible says HE prayed until HIS sweat became blood. I don't know how science will prove that, but that was some prayers CHRIST lifted up just for our sake.

When you overcome your fears you don’t only help yourself but you help your generation and the generations to come. CHRIST overcame HIS fears some 2000 years ago and now here we are, full beneficiaries of HIS victory.

overcome that fear of failure because you think your strength will let you down. just so you know in our weakness HIS strength is made perfect. .

Before I end, please note that whatever you fear in life will always happen to you. If you doubt me scan through your life.  It’s an experiment