Thursday, 17 August 2017


                                                      Photo Credit: Google
                                                       THE TEA BAG
It’s funny how life has so much teaching in it yet most often than not we fail to see what life tries to teach us at any point in time. Something as simple as even brushing your teeth in the morning can be a great lesson which will help you at a point in your life.

In the evening I decided to prepare myself some tea before going to bed, and I was amazed the lessons tea thought me.

Tea is actually a simple meal to prepare. All you need is a cup, hot water, and a stomach to receive it. Sugar and milk are quite optional additives.

Remove a tea bag from its box and drop it into a cup of hot water. After a minute or two your tea is prepared. You then add sugar or milk to taste, and there you go, tea is ready. Such a simple process to put smiles on your face. But something struck me about this simple process.

The final stage or the purpose of a tea bag in its life time is to be used to prepare tea, in other words the end product of a tea bag is tea. But let’s look at the process it had to face to bring out its purpose.

First and foremost, it is picked from its box alone and drowned in a cup full of hot water, what does this mean?

 GOD said to HIS friend Abraham that HE should separate himself from his father’s house and go where HE the LORD will show him because it was time for him to pursue his GOD given purpose on earth. It was time for him to be made a tea, therefore he separated himself from family, friends and loved ones. The tea bag like Abraham is separated from other tea bags because its time to make tea.

Secondly, it is drowned in hot water for steeping/brewing. I have personally not being drowned in water before, but the level of pain we express towards such  on our TV screens when they are reported shows that it’s not a nice one.

 we may not be drowned in water ,but we are drowned in various issues and problems of life. We chock for breath beneath such problems and issues hoping to come up the surface of such occurrences and gape for some air into our systems. 

Not only is the bag drowned, but it is also taken out of its comfort zone to a much discomforting zone all in the name of fulfilling its purpose of tea. In its packaged box it enjoys normal room temperature, and time with other teabags. But it is taken and drowned in a hot temperature arena where it stays till tea is ready.

What am I saying here?

The good book says in Isaiah 46:10, GOD knows the end from the beginning. So HE actually knows and understand your purpose, and for its manifestation you need to be processed.  Like a tea bag our purpose on earth is to make tea, and until we go through the processes listed above we will still remain tea bags.

Have you realized that the teabag has the ability to change the taste and colour of the hot water it is being drowned in. yes! That is your substance. In such difficult times, the problems and issues are supposed to change colour and taste because of the substance you carry in you.

Another interesting part of this process is the fact that after tea is made, that is after the real substance is obtained the residue is taken out and thrown away. The best and needed part of you remains with you for further future battles whereas the negative mind-sets, disregard, disrespect, self –denials and the like are thrown away.  

Living your GOD given life can be very simple like the preparation of tea, but the processes involved is an uphill task. The good news here is the fact that GOD is the CHEF and with you as the tea bag, you can trust HIM to prepare a good tea for you.

so in conclusion,

Be ready to be steeped, and to be stirred to prepare a good tea for consumption.

 Thank you.  



I came across an interesting story in the book of john chapter 4, where JESUS was moving from Judea to galilee because the Pharisees had taken notice of his unprecedented increase in winning and baptizing souls unto GOD.

Something struck me about this journey. JESUS being the leader saw the need to draw HIS disciples away from the famous trouble makers in Judea, that is the Pharisees, and to accomplish this ,HE took them on a voyage to Galilee.

The bible says in verse 4 of the chapter that HE must needs go through Samaria, meaning there was a special purpose for routing Samaria.

The story continues in the verse 5, where he goes to Sychar a town in Samaria. Sychar in the Greek is Suchar which has its origin from the word Shekar meaning an intoxicant that is, highly alcoholic. At an intoxicant area, the bible says JESUS was weary.

Intoxicant (Sychar) here represents discomfort. JESUS in Sychar can be likened to fixing a square peg in a round whole. The man had so much purity in HIM that such an intoxicated area  should have been an allergy to HIM. At this point HE could have used the help of HIS disciples yet they  had left HIM in pursuit of food and HE was left alone in discomfort.

Many a time, this is the case with our leaders both in church and at work. They are always there to support us and give us the necessary dosages of encouragement to rise again unto our feet, but they are left alone in such situations.  This is for another day.

 Keenly following the story, the disciples returned with what they thought would help JESUS, that is, food. Then said HE to them, ‘I have food to eat that you know not about’, in other words the reason why they left HIM was irrelevant, because if it was for food then HE had food they knew not about.

Once again, I was hoping that scriptures would have captured where JESUS finally drunk from the well, or from the ladies bucket so as to quench HIS thirst and revive HIMSELF from weariness, but we only saw HIM prepared and excited about the food the disciples knew not, which HE was about to eat.

JESUS got weary, and landed in discomfort because HE had not gone about HIS FATHER’S business, which happens to be the purpose for HIS very existence. Just some hours, or days off HIS purpose, the bible says HE grew weary. To get back HIS strength HE looks out for the opportunity in the woman at the well to reach out to people.

 Your purpose on earth should be your source of encouragement and a point from which you draw your strength. The good book says  in Hebrews 12:2b, that  JESUS  for the joy that was set before HIM endured the cross and despised the shame and has sat down on the right hand of GOD’S throne.

Don’t grow weary, keep up the good work ,  be focused and fulfil your purpose. Every second of your life counts. 

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 Thank you