Monday, 27 March 2017



What is beauty? According to the Merriam Webster dictionary beauty is the qualities in a person or a thing that gives pleasure to the senses or the mind. How interesting.

Walking through the book of genesis I came across Adam who was wowed by one of the greatest creation of GOD.

Let’s begin from Genesis 1:26-27, “And GOD said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27 , So GOD created man in HIS own image; HE created him in the image of GOD;HE created them male and female.”

Take a look at the play of pronouns here and note it very well. Referring to the same creature yet uses a singular pronoun and a plural one simultaneously. The pronoun them is further splitted into male and female in verse 27.

A better understanding of these verses is seen in Genesis 2:21-22, “So the LORD GOD caused a deep sleep to come over the man, and he slept. GOD took one of his ribs and closed the flesh at that place. Then the LORD GOD made the rib HE had taken from man into a woman and brought her to the man”. This confirms the them we saw in chapter one.

Now let’s continue, before the creation of woman in Gen 2:21-22, the idea or promise to get man a helper was first mentioned in verse 18. Since it was the era for creation was expecting the creation of woman to follow suit right after the idea came about, but interestingly HE gives man another job to do, that is to call the names of the wild animals and birds HE (GOD) had created to keep Adam busy and working.

When it was finally time to create woman the hidden beauty and glory of man; then again GOD causes Adam to fall into deep sleep, where he performs the first ever operation, because bible says GOD took the ribs and closed again the flesh at that place.

GOD could have performed this operation without man sleeping but HE chose to cause him to sleep. I don’t know how many of us have undergone surgery before, but if you have, you know and understand the pains involved before, during and after the surgery.

Moving on, Gen 2:23, And the man said; this one, at last, is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh; this one will be called woman, for she was taken from man.

 An absent Adam during the creation of woman rises up from deep sleep, wowed by what he sees which causes him to profess the processes used in creating woman.


1.       In Gen 1:27 the bible testifies of the presence of woman in man. The pronoun (THEM) used. Glory hidden in man. 1cor 11:7
2.       In Gen 2:18-19, GOD kept Adam busy with him by tasking him to name the wild animals and birds.
3.       In Gen 2:21 GOD causes Adam to sleep deeply in order to bring out a hidden beauty (woman).

All am trying to say with these analogy is that, there is always a hidden beauty (glory) in man , and the best person to bring this out is GOD.  Note the processes used.
a.       The idea to bring forth such beauty is  conceived
b.      GOD then gets you busy with HIM through work
c.       HE then puts you to deep sleep where you are free from pain, all distraction, and any other thing except GOD.
d.      Then finally when HE is done with your miracle you wake up professing the testimonies.

There are a bunch of prophesies spoken over your life ,a whole lot of wonderful things that will make your life beautiful. Learn to be patient and wait on GOD and you will rise from the deep sleep like Adam to profess the process of your beauty as a testimony unto others.

Beauty created by GOD is not subjective to lie on the face of the beholder, but very objective

Read, enjoy, comment and share

Thursday, 16 March 2017


                                                      HEART ECONOMY

Economics in simple terms is stability. Today our mortuary houses a lot of individuals because their hearts failed to regulate the inflow and outflow of blood from the heart technically known as the blood pressure.

Psychiatric hospitals are no different from these heart issues. Males and females alike with promising futures end up in cages for fear misbehaving in public.

Well this is not a medical class so we ll leave that to the doctors and medical practitioners.
Scripture in “Proverbs 4: 23 says, Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it cometh the issues of life. Delving deeper into the text the word keep here in the Hebrew is nastar, which means to guard, in a good sense (protect, maintain, and obey).

A guard protects life by regulation, that is to say he/she permits and desist people from seeing his/her master in order to protect the life of his/her master.
These practices by the security guard are geared towards stability with reference to the life of his/her master.

The bible clearly instructs us in this verse to do same to our hearts. As guards we are responsible for whatever and whoever enters our heart. Be it anger, love, hatred, bitterness, boys, girls, money, and anything at all our mind can conceive.

Create stability in your life by taking hold of the locks to your heart. Open up to who and what will make the heart glad. Purposely close your heart to anything that will destroy it.

You may ask how can this be done?

The blueprint to living a peaceful life has being embedded in our hearts according to Hebrews 10:16. Just like how an ATM machine works, Put an invalid card in the slot and the machine will spit it out. This is because per its operations such cards have no place there.

Therefore anything that tries to enter your heart without conforming to the blueprint as stated in Heb 10:16, needs to be shown the exit door.

Know how to guard, secure and protect your heart and you are assured of good, spiritual and physical health.

No guy or lady has the right to enter your heart, even GOD asks for permission to do so. You are in charge of your life on earth, but it will be wise on your side to invite GOD to pick up that role for you.

Thank you and have a nice day.