Thursday, 15 December 2016



I want to stand in the middle of the city and scream there is no GOD, I want to prove to men that the GOD they hail and claim to serve is just a false GOD because I cried out to him when my mother was lying on her sick bed at the point of death, and all I kept hearing was GOD is in control. I bet HE was since my mother finally died.

I want to drink alcohol and womanize all I want on earth and enjoy life. My worse feared enemy then, would be STDs, but who cares about STDs when there is protection.
I just want to add a few zeros to that cheque and later slip the money into my account after all its just once and won’t do it again.

I want to dress like that holy church girl to please the pastor. I actually want to live like a Christian so she knows I also know GOD and later show her how things are done in my world.

I will give that fat offerings in church and do the work of a philanthropist to cover up for my evil deeds and ways of making money.

I am the pastor and the one to be catered for. I ll take  all the tithe and offerings and later say some words of prayer for the poor ones in the church and also tell them to trust and hope in GOD. You are the shepherd and not the sheep.

You dare stand to accuse the existence of GOD after contracting the fetish priest to use your mother for money rituals.

You think condoms and contraceptives gives you a license to mess around, I think you should talk to persons with these STDs, I believe you can learn a thing or two.

A journey of a 1000miles only begins with a step, you might end up being the best bank robber after your first bank robbery.

Young woman wearing good clothes is for your good and never to please your pastor, you only save yourself from men lusting after you which can even result in rape; and young man becoming a church goer to woo a lady is like an advance payment on your doom - you become the devil's number one target because there is a possibility of you receiving your salvation since you are in church, and this makes you number one on the devil’s hit list.

Rich man and Mr. Philanthropist; men may only see with their eyes but GOD sees all that is hidden. Kindly stop the corruption and the act of cheating because GOD sees all you do.

The master shepherd said HE came to serve and not to be served. HE said to Peter, "feed my sheep." GOD will cause people to bless you so stop being greedy and treating ministry like your ventures.

These little things we do and think about are never hidden from GOD. I call them “pranks”. 

GOD is not and can never be pranked. "God is not mocked..." JESUS is indeed coming back for HIS own. Stay true to HIS given word and you will never regret it.

 I choose not to prank GOD but to give HIM my all and I advise you to do same.
Thank you.