Wednesday, 30 November 2016


                                                            THE BLIND DRIVER

I sat with my boss in the office as she lectured me on being careful in life. She told me a real life experience she once had as a student, and I could only bless GOD for her life. She schooled in the northern part of Ghana in the University of Development Studies.

On one of her numerous trips to school she took a night bus which developed an electrical fault and caused the lighting system of the bus to totally go off; the head lights and all other lights on the bus just went off. Surprisingly, the engine was still running and the bus could still move.

The road to the north is such that you could drive for hours without seeing villages, towns, or cities. Look through your wind screen or window and the only thing you’d see was thick forests or wide plains, staring back at you.

So there they were in the middle of the road left to nothing but their fate. You would ask; why didn’t they call for help with their mobile phones. Yes, I also asked same, and she said there were places along the road where mobile network was just not accessible, and this was one of such places.

“What did you do then?” Was my next question. She then spoke about the blind driver.

The driver had no choice but to drive the people to a safer place where they could call for help. His only source of light then was that of on-coming cars. Without an on-coming car, the driver was totally blind behind the steer and could only rely on the experience of his frequent use of the road. The Light from on –coming cars additionally gave him an idea of where he was and what to do next.

This blind driver drove on slowly and slowly with his imagination of the road through the thick forests and plains until they reached a nearby village where they could call for help. At that point, I happily slapped my hands together clapping for the blind driver, because of a job well done.

Where am I going with this?

 At points in our lives, just like the bus; our lights go off. There are times we see that things are not going as they should. We bear witness to ourselves that we are putting in all the effort needed but things are just not working.  we cross check sometimes to see where we went wrong, only to realise that we are actually at our best, yet we are just not moving.

 Let me tell you this, if this is your situation; cast your mind back to the broad day light of your life where you leaped over stones, where you knew how to cross roads without getting knocked down by a car, cast your mind back to how you always trusted GOD to take you through all the mishaps you’ve faced in life.

 Now, relax and give a deep thought to these things, what you are facing now is no different from what you have been through earlier in life, yes it seems like GOD is silent on this particular issue, it is true; this is because HE is quietly and slowly driving you to a much safer place where HE can actually bring helpers to your aid.

Trusts in the LORD, believe HIS word for your life and you will forever love HIM.


Tuesday, 15 November 2016


A ship at the harbour

So it happens that the famous logos hope ship(a ship full of Christian and other literature)
 found herself on the shores of Ghana again, giving Ghanaians an opportunity to benefit from her good work. I was so privileged and graced to have been among the few Ghanaians who witnessed this historic event.

It was quite interesting how people were happily jumping around, taking selfies, and all that.  I just stood at a place with the ship in sight thinking through how this dream became a reality for someone. Also as a young engineer I was thinking about the loads of work involved in fulfilling such a dream.  A friend came closer and looking at how amazed I was he said to me, there are bigger ones than this and I nodded at him affirming his point.

Again, I laughed and gave a faint smile after realizing that this huge vessel is controlled by an individual called captain, who happens to be a man. It was just funny to accept the fact  that this huge vessel which is 1000 times bigger than man is being controlled by tiny man.
This took me back to the book of genesis where GOD instructed man to take dominion of everything HE created. Gen 1:26 ( And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth).

The level and kind of dominion GOD bestowed on us as mankind was and still is one of a kind. If   tiny little men called captains can control vessels as huge as the size of logos hope, then men are yet to discover the extent to which their dominion ends.

No wonder with faith like mustard seed we would move mountains.

What am I trying to say? 

Your issue maybe as big as the logos hope ship or better still like the famous titanic ship, the size of the ship is not the problem but the captain to champion its course. Until the captain puts on the engine to set sail for people to admire the ship, its magnificence is only known  to itself.

 Command your day, exhibit your dominance as man, there is nothing bigger than you, it doesn’t matter the size of the ship , as a captain if you stop the engine the ship will quietly obey, if you start it again it will gladly respond to your will. 

Think about this and praise GOD for your life.