Monday, 18 July 2016



Sometimes I wish we had an eraser button fixed in our brains so we could just click on it to erase memories we do not want to keep, but that is not the case.
Today I was listening to a preacher who was trying to encourage his congregation. He said, “Forget about the bad situations, and forget about the awful things people have said about you and move on in life.” and I was like how do I forget? Because, if am holding coals of fire in my hand it is difficult not to feel the pains in my palm, unless you are a special human mutant like we see in the movie x-men and the like.
The human brain is so powerful I kind of wonder how GOD formed it out of clay.  
Scientist have tried to explain how painful experiences transform into long lasting memories with a hypothesis known as Hebbian plasticity. This idea states that in the face of painful experiences more neurons in the brain fire electrical impulses in unison which creates a stronger connection with each other; this strong connection creates stronger memories in the brain.
Considering the above explanations on memory storage in the brain, it is not easy to forget about situations and events, but this is what I think.
I think we should look at problems or events that caused us pain from different angles. In the book of mark 4:39 KJV, the bible says “And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, peace be still, and the wind ceased, and there was a great calm”
Here, we see JESUS call a  storm peace and ask it to be still. The disciples were seeing a storm which caused them to be in jeopardy but when JESUS arose HE saw peace and like I said earlier, asked it to be still.
I may not know what you have gone through in life, or the kind of pain you are experiencing right now but take a look at it from a different angle. Look at it from an angle where you can see peace and not the storm.
Ask yourself what would have happen if you had not gone through that painful experience, most at times we need this painful experiences as teachers to help us understand and enjoy the life we have been given by GOD.
At other times, know that you are the best person such an occurrence can happen to, because should it happen to someone else the person may not survive its consequences.
What am I saying? All am saying is, you may not forget totally about the situation or the painful experiences and occurrences, but look at these events from a different angle and appreciate the fact that it happened to you, and pick a clue from the peace side of the storm .
Isaiah 43:18-19 KJV“Do not remember the past events; pay no attention to things of old. Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.”

 Hidden in any storm is peace.


Monday, 4 July 2016


The prayer momentum

Science defines momentum as the quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity. In other words momentum is the product of mass and velocity.
For a moving object to create an impact on another object in its path of motion or movement its momentum should be greater than the objects in its path.

Therefore science has it that, to stay in equilibrium M1V1=M2V2, BUT for object one to have impact on object two as shown below;

Impact =M1VI-M2V2.

 Similar can be said in our prayer lives. The momentum of your prayer determines the impact  your prayer makes
The prayer momentum is also made of the mass and velocity but is represented in different ways.

 Mass refers to the amount of quantity present in an object. In prayer your mass refers to the quantity of the word of GOD in you. Reading your bible daily is not enough but rather studying the bible on daily basis gives you an appreciable mass.
This brings forth the question how much of the word is in you? Are you a light weight, or a heavy weight or a heavier weight or perhaps the heaviest weight? The amount of the word of GOD in you determines the mass aspect of the prayer momentum.

The second component is velocity. Science defines it as distance covered per unit time. The prayer velocity is how best one is able to use the word of GOD to his/her advantage in prayer. You see, running with a load in front of you is quite different from running with a load behind you. In the first instance, one will find it difficult to run but in the second, one will be able to run. So how you carry or use the word of GOD in prayer affects the momentum of your prayer and that is your prayer velocity.

To cause impact with your prayers, you need to increase your prayer momentum. Study the word of GOD and understand it to the fullest and pray back GODS words to HIM, that is to say hold HIM by HIS word and you will experience the true power of prayer.

The bible says in the book of James 5:16, “confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availed much.”

Let every single prayer time in your life count. Thank you and stay blessed.