Sunday, 29 May 2016



The book of John chapter 2 gives an account of the first miracle JESUS did in HIS ministry. The bible says in verse 3-4”, and when they wanted wine the mother of JESUS saith unto HIM they have no wine. JESUS answered unto her, “woman” what have I to do with thee? Mine hour is not yet come. Note that HE did not call her” mother” but HE called her woman (womb man), that is for another day.

The answer JESUS gave was definitely not a yes answer. I was wondering why a son would say to the mother WHAT HAVE I TO DO WITH THEE? Knowing perfectly that it was her womb that kept you for the 9 months before birth.
From there she went straight to the servants and said do as HE says. The bible records that JESUS asked them to fill the pots and they filled them to the brim, and HE said draw out now and bear unto the governor of the feast, and that was it, HE had created wine. There are a lot we can pick from this story but let’s focus on HIS mother today.

Even though HIS time was not up but at the word of HIS mother HE built a wine factory. The relationship between Mary and JESUS was that of a son and HIS mother and Mary knew her son. She knew who HE was and what HE is made of.  She had a 100% faith in her son that, though HIS time might not be up but if she tells HIM , HE will surely do whatever she says and that her joy might be full.

It is as though she didn’t care the answer her son gave, because if she did she wouldn’t have gone to the servants to issue instructions. What she did by issuing the instruction “DO AS HE SAYS” was giving her son the platform to operate. She acted on her faith, which gave JESUS the platform to operate in the gathering.
Know your relationship with GOD. Is HE a friend, father or master?  Build one with HIM if you don’t have. Upon knowing your relationship with HIM issue out your instructions; that is act on your faith.

In so doing you fill out your pots with all your troubles and give JESUS the chance to create for you a wine factory which is your solution and joy in life.

Once again know your relationship with GOD, and build one if you don’t have, because trust me! You need it to survive and enjoy life.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016



I am Samuel from Ghana, a country in the West Africa.  I was in my room one time when my lights went out as a result of the power crisis in the country,I  actually was in the middle of an activity and I needed the light so badly.
An interesting thing happened to me and would like to share.  When the lights went out, I was so disappointed because I couldn’t see anything. In about a minute time I realized I could identify things in my room that is my locker, my clothes, books and bags. So I wondered how I could see now and could not see then.
This is how science explains it. The human eye is made up a pupil, retina, cornea, lens, aqueous and vitreous humor, there are other components but for our study lets stick to these. Science has it that images are formed on the retina.
The retina is composed of cones and rods. The cones are sensitive to bright light whereas the rods to dim light. So if I could see in my room when the lights were off because the rods were performing their function.
Now back to my point of GOD creating man. In the midst of darkness GOD inculcated in the creation of the human eye a rod, which can cause the eye to see even in darkness. Once again I think that makes man a solution making machine to life problems. Because even in the absence of light the body automatically find solution to man’s inability to see. If you ask me, I will say this is amazing.
   In the book of Matthew chapter 5:13, GOD calls man the salt of the earth and that if we lose our value we are good for nothing.  The prophet Elisha in 2kings 2:19, demonstrated the importance of salt (man) in solving problems. The people of Jericho complained of their water being unwholesome and reported it to the prophet. He asked for a new cruse containing salt and he walked to the river and cast the salt into the river and the river was made whole. This is scripture telling us how men (salt of the earth) were used in old times to solve problems. If am a salt of the earth as the bible says then I have got be a solution. The bible says as a man thinketh so is He (Proverbs 23:7).I am a solution making machine to the world because GOD created me as such.

Now I ask you, who are you?

Tuesday, 10 May 2016



Life as we know is like a circle, that is why whatever goes around always comes around. The journey of life is not a smooth one; it is full of ‘ups and ‘downs’. I can understand the ‘ups’ but why the ‘downs’? Because GOD desires us to prosper in all things we do. Here is why I think there are downs.
If yesterday’s exam test is repeated in today’s exam test even the dumbest person in the class though may not know how to answer it but he/she will know that this test is a repeated one. Knowing that alone takes away some element of fear and gives you some amount of confidence. Why? Because you have seen it before.
This is the opportunity trials give to us in life. We go through trials which are like the test exams of yesterday. If you know the answer to the test you are good to go if you don’t you find out after the test because after the exam it becomes a past question and the answers are made available to you. The trials ahead are  todays test exam which is a repeated version of yesterday’s test with little modifications to confuse you just as shown below.
Yesterday’s test(trials)
Today’s test(future trials)
 Same questions but little modifications.
JESUS never promised to take us away from trials and problems, HE only promises to be with us and strengthen us through the trials and problems because HE knows we have the power and capability to overcome every trial in life.
Dearly beloved trials come our way so we will be strengthened for a given purpose ahead in our lives. The three Hebrew boys shadrack, Meshach, and Abednego were faced with trials of selling out their belief in GOD; little did the king know that he was giving them a platform to preach to the people of Babylon because after their trial the people of Babylon believed in their GOD much more than his gods.  Sometimes we go through trials not for our sake but for the sake of others. Let me not drift away from my point.
Most trials in life are very similar with little modifications as stated earlier, and the answers to them have always being JESUS.  The downs in life we see are supposed to expose us to the kind of relationship we have in CHRIST and with CHRIST.  How do I know I can pass my biology paper without taking my biology test?  How do I know I can overcome any trial in life because JESUS gives me an assurance in matt 28:20 that HE is with me even till the end of the world?

·         There is no victory without a battle
·         There is no testimony without trials

Tuesday, 3 May 2016


                                                              MAN  OF SOLUTION
GEN 1:26, Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness. They will rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the livestock, all the earth, and the creatures that crawl on the earth.”
 If you ask me for a definition of man I think this part of the bible describes it best, that is, a man is one created in the image and likeness of GOD, anything outside this is not man.

In genesis one the bible says  the spirit of GOD was hovering over the surface of the waters and the earth was formless, empty and darkness covered the earth. These were problems GOD encountered during creation.
The bible says HE said: let there be light and immediately there was light, and just then creation  had begun. What am I saying? Creation was a solution to the absurd nature of planet earth.

As established earlier, GOD created man in HIS own image and likeness, GOD made an unseen earth a nice and welcoming place to live and enjoy life. So men are automatic solutions to the world’s problem.

Let me prove this to you. Have you noticed that when you find out that your wallet is not with you, you automatically start looking for it by trying to remember where you left it or who you gave it to, I call it “the solution road”. Also has it occurred to you why you immediately take your hands off a hot plate when you come into contact with it? Yes, science may have series of explanations for these actions relating them to sensory neurons, receptors and motors and all that. But tell me who designed these things to work the way they do.

Every problem we face here on earth is solvable by man through the intellect of GOD. Have you ever thought of the fact that with the almost impossible problem of eradicating sin from the world, GOD came in the form of “MAN” to have it solved?

The economic issues we face in our various countries, the winds and sounds of war, poverty, armed robbery, prostitution, and the rest could make planet earth an unsafe place to live, but guess what there are GOD-LIKE men still on earth and we have every right to create because that is what GOD did when the earth was formless and unsafe to be inhabited. In so doing we fulfill the imagery and likeness nature of GOD.

Do not limit or look down on yourself because of how life is treating you.   You are a solution to a lot of problem.

Note once again that when GOD wanted to solve the problem of sin HE used JESUS who came in a form of man.   Let’s make GOD proud by being solutions to the numerous problems in our world, you can start by having a positive attitude towards yourself.